《材料学院学术报告会——日本九州工业大学Shuzi Hayase教授专题报告会》

作者: 时间:2019-06-10 点击数:

报告题目:Expected innovative materials for printable solar cells

报告人:Shuzi Hayase 教授

地 点:闻厅一楼报告厅

时 间:2019年6月14日(周五)15:00

Shuzi Hayase,is now a leader of photoenergy conversion research center in Kyushu National Institute of Technology. His research interest is printable solar cells and thermoelectric devices, polymers for opto and electrical devices including rechargeable batteries and fuel cells. He received Kamura Memorial Award (2017), Award for Technological Development by The Japan Electrical Manufacturers Association (1996), The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Technological Development: Awarded for distinguished contributions in technological development in chemical industry (1992), National Commendation for Invention by Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation (1987). The number of publications is 308 and the number of the review articles is 70 including paper in Japanese.

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